Most of the information we gain from our five combined senses is from our sense of sight. That is why so many of our activities and interactions rely on vision. Those with blurred vision can find it extremely unsettling and can struggle with using glasses or contact lenses. But, with the help of surgical advancement, you can live a life without blurry glazed vision. There are many techniques to help treat refractive errors. A refractive error is an eye condition in which light doesn’t focus correctly behind the lens onto the retina.
In the eyes, the cornea usually converges (refracts) light precisely onto the retina at the back of the eye. Your surgeon will decide a procedure that suits you best according to your concerns and condition. In the UK, several people want a life where they can see a world in good condition without depending on contact lenses and glasses. Several lens replacement specialists and LASIK specialists in London can help you eliminate all the troubles of contact lenses and glasses. In the UK alone over 0.3 million people are choosing this procedure. So, between LASIK and lens replacement surgery, which one is right for you?
What is LASIK?
Lasik is an acronym for laser-assisted in situ keratomileuses. The cornea is a transparent dome-shaped membrane that covers the front of the eye, and this procedure is involved in reshaping it. LASIK starts with a special laser by creating a flap on the cornea’s surface. Then the flap is raised from the cornea, and a microscopic amount of tissue is removed. Before the operation, this procedure is preprogrammed, which is tailored to each patient. According to the patient’s refractive error, the corresponding amount of tissue is removed. The flap is then positioned evenly over the area from where microscopic tissue is taken, facilitating the healing process. This procedure is entirely painless and can be over within 10 minutes. The patient can also get treatment of both eyes together simultaneously. Successful LASIK surgery significantly reduces the need for glasses and contact lenses.
Am I Eligible For LASIK Surgery?
Not all people are suitable for LASIK. There are criteria based on which ophthalmologist decides whether it benefits the patient or not. The criteria for a good LASIK candidate is:
- Your eyes must be healthy
- Your cornea must have sufficient thickness
- Your pupil must not be too large
- You must be 18 years or older
- Your eyes can’t be too dry
- You must not have any history or finding of corneal disease
- You should have a previous prescription of regular eyeglasses and contact lenses for at least 3 years
The Advantages of LASIK surgery
- In LASIK surgery, both eyes are operated on simultaneously
- The procedure is painless
- The healing process is rapid
- If you are young, you maintain your ability to see up close
- The vision is corrected immediately or a day after surgery
- No stitches and bandages are required after LASIK
- After LASIK, there is a dramatic reduction in contact lenses and glasses usage
The Disadvantages of LASIK surgery
- Flap complications, i.e., flap wrinkles up, leads to distorted vision, the flap breaks and becomes incomplete somehow
- Dry eye, for which patient requires repeated instillation of eye drops of artificial tears
- There are limitations for the LASIK procedure in patients with a thin cornea or excessive refractive error
- Sometimes, post LASIK procedure, the patient requires multiple treatments. There is also a risk of vision loss, requiring a cornea transplant to correct vision as this procedure is performed on a sensitive eye area
- There is also a risk of overcorrection or under correctio.
- Decrease in sharpness and contrast sensitivity
What is Lens Replacement surgery?
A lens replacement surgery in London is effective for all patients who can’t be treated by laser surgery. In LASIK, a small amount of tissue is removed from the cornea that allows the eye to focus the light correctly on a patient’s retina. With a lens replacement procedure, a natural lens (located within the eye, behind the pupil) is removed instead of tissue from the cornea. Next, an artificial plastic lens is put in to the eye.
In addition, this lens will have perfect requirements as per the patient’s specific needs. This procedure is similar to cataract surgery, which an older person requires in the case of cloudiness of natural eye lens. A cataract is a condition of old age, mainly over 40, but it can also occur in younger people. Cataract develops due to the cloudiness of the eye’s lens and causes vision to become dull, oversensitive or impaired.
Quality of life decreases due to cataracts. The eye’s natural cloudy lens is replaced with an artificial one in cataract surgery. Lens replacement surgery in London is typically “refractive lens exchange,” a condition in which a clear natural lens is replaced by an artificial one, commonly done in patients suffering from presbyopia. Lens replacement surgery in London is also done for cataract surgery, in which an artificial lens replaces a natural cloudy eye lens. During cataract surgery, the patient’s near-sightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism are corrected depending upon the patient’s condition. If a patient suffers from a cataract, the best option to treat it surgically is lens replacement surgery. LASIK is not helpful as it intervenes on only the cornea, but cataract is a problem of the eye lens.
Types of lenses for Lens Replacement Surgery in London
Several types of lenses are used for lens replacement surgery in London
- Monofocal Lenses: It only fixes distant vision issues and requires glasses for near vision, such as reading a book.
- Multifocal Lenses: The main advantage of this lens is that it corrects both near and far vision, so the need for the use of glasses is eliminated. In London, many lens replacement specialists recommend this type of lens.
- Toric Lenses: It is designed to treat moderate to high astigmatism, but the need for glasses for near vision remains.
- Trifocal Lenses: this is by far the best lens, which provides the best sensitivity and contrast to every colour of light
Am I Eligible For Lens Replacement Surgery?
You are a good candidate for refractive lens replacement surgery in London if:
- You develop presbyopia.
- If your age is more than 40
- Your lens has developed cloudiness from cataracts
- You are suffering from severe refractive error, which can‘t be corrected by LASIK surgery
- You have myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism
The Advantages of Lens Replacement Surgery.
- Lens replacement surgery is by far the best method that deals with the main concerns of a patient suffering from a blurred vision that can’t be treated in any other way
- Results of lens replacement surgery are stable
- The risk of regression over time is minimal
- This procedure is helpful for all the significant refractive errors which can‘t be treated by LASIK
- Lens replacement surgery is a permanent solution for presbyopia
- The placement of an artificial lens inside the eye eliminates the chance of a cataract in the future, as it cannot develop in an artificial lens
- It is a safe surgery. The main benefit of this surgery is that a correct lens remains in an eye forever
The Disadvantages of Lens Replacement Surgery.
- This procedure requires the placement of a lens inside the eye, so this procedure takes some time
- This procedure requires more healing time than LASIK surgery
- Recovery of vision takes a few days as compared to LASIK
- One eye is treated at one time and several days apart
- If a mono-focal lens is implanted, a patient needs near glasses to read a book
- It can also lead to bleeding, infection, retinal detachment and glaucoma
To know more about glaucoma and cataract, try to visit our website: https://harleyvision.com/.
What to do after lens surgery?
- Avoid swimming for at least a week
- Try to avoid any finger contact with your eye
- Don’t fatigue your eyes by watching television and using mobile phones too much
- Don’t drive for a few days after surgery
Lens Replacement Vs LASIK
Suitable For
- Mild to moderate myopia
- Hyperopic patient
- Corneal Astigmatism
- Excessive myopia and hyperopia
- Presbyopia in old age
- Lenticular astigmatism
- Early cataracts
Not Suitable For
- Decreased corneal thickness
- Cataracts
- Severe corneal astigmatism
- Retinal issues
- Patients suffering from an autoimmune disease.
- For each eye, it takes up to 10 minutes.
- Both eyes are treated simultaneously.
- Initial healing takes 7-10 days.
- Depending upon the lens, adaptation develops within 3-12 weeks.
- The procedure is painless.
- The healing process is rapid.
- Lens replacement surgery is a permanent solution for Presbyopia.
- The risk of regression over time is minimum.
- Dryness of an eye.
- Limitations of LASIK procedure in patients with a thin cornea or excessive refractive error.
- More time is required for healing than LASIK.
- It can also lead to bleeding, infection, retinal detachment, and glaucoma.
Always consult your doctor, whether LASIK or lens replacement surgery benefits you or not. Your doctor will decide according to your lifestyle, condition of your eyes, vision, and goals. LASIK is the best option for younger patients. Still, if you are older than 50, lens replacement surgery is the best option as it provides long-term benefits and prevents cataracts from developing. To live a life without the dependency on glasses and contact lenses, contact your doctor in London. There are several lens replacement specialists in London. To get more insights, feel free to book an appointment with us.